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Sentence Pattern and Expression

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Sentence Pattern and Expression

1. English

1.1. Topic Expansion method

  • Reason
  • Specific
    • time, place, person, event, feeling
    • No reason then Specific
      • I don't know (why), but...
      • I have no idea (why), but...
      • This is pretty hard to explain, but...
      • Um, you got me.
      • I'm not an expert on this, but...
      • There's really no reason why.
      • I'm not sure how to explain this, but...
  • Past
    • for example/instance
    • actually, in fact
    • the last time I did sth was ...
    • I remember (clearly/vividly/distinctly) that ...
  • Downgrage
    • especially
    • particularly
    • I particularly like...
    • My favorite is/would be
    • If I had to pick a favorite, it would be...
    • What I like/love the most is/would be...
    • the ... I like/love the most is/would be...
  • List
    • several || a few
    • many || multiple || a lot of || tons of
    • various || a variety of || a wide range of
    • many kinds of || many types of
    • including (Note: don't follow sentences)
    • such as (Note: don't follow sentences)
    • like
    • and so on || and so forth || so on and so forth || and stuff like that
  • No Opinion
    • It's indeed a serious issue in today's world
    • It's true that...
    • Indeed, many people...
    • Indeed, It's not uncommon for people to...
    • Well, nowadays...
    • Well, in this day and age...
    • It's something that many people talk about on social media
    • I read in the newspaper that...
    • I saw on the news that...
    • To answer your question...
    • So thinking about it,...

1.2. filler words and sentences (improving fluency)

  • um
  • well
  • and
  • like
  • I mean.
  • You know.
  • You know what.
  • Let's see.
  • Let me think.
  • Let me think about it...
  • That's a good question.
  • That's an interesting question.
  • That's a tough question.
  • That's a triky question.
  • I'm not sure, um...
  • I don't really know, um...
  • I don't know much about this, but...
  • I have no idea what to say.
  • I haven't thought about it before. let me see.
  • Why do I like shopping? Um, well, I guess it's because ...
  • Um, I can't think of an answer immediately.
  • Hang on a second...
  • Sorry, I forgot the word I wanted to, well...
  • Sorry, I don't know how to say that in English, um ... you know...
  • God, I can't remember...
  • That was a slip of the tongue.
  • Oh my god, I'm totally blanking out.

1.3. special process

  • If you want the examiner to repeat or explain the question, you can say:
    • Sorry, could you please repeat that?
    • Sorry, could you please explain what you mean by xxx?
  • If the examiner thinks you didn't understand the question and interrupts you, you can say:
    • Well,I'm trying to answer the question. I'm getting there.
  • When you can’t think of anything else in the middle of your speech, just say “Yeah!” and then repeat your point.
    • Yeah!
  • If you go too far, use the following to pull yourself back. You know you are going off topic, you are controlling yourself, it doesn't matter.
    • anyway
    • back to the topic
    • Where was I? Um, oh, right...
    • I'm a little off topic, I'm sorry.

1.4. time

1.4.1. 过去时间

I remember (clearly/vividly/distinctly) that ...

The last time ... was ... 最后一次..是..

It was the first time... 那是第一次..

I first heard about/saw/met ... when ... 我第一次听说/看到/遇到某人某物是什么背景下

When I was young/a kid/a teenager 当

when I got a bit older 当我长大一些以后

when I was growing up 在我成长过程中

For the majority of my life 人生的大部分时间

since I was a child 自从

in/over the last twenty years/decades 近...年来/在过去的...年间

1.4.2. 时间频率

  • every day
    • every day
    • on a daily basis
  • frequently
    • frequently
    • often
    • usually
    • quite frequently
    • pretty often
    • whenever I have free time
  • regularly
    • on a regular basis
    • once/twice a week
    • once or twice a week
    • two or three times a year
    • at this time of year 在每年这个时候
  • occasionally
    • occasionally
    • from time to time
    • once in a while
    • every now and then
  • seldom
    • seldom
    • hardly
    • hardly ever
    • once in a blue moon
I believe it's crucial to go for a brisk walk on a daily basis.

Not only am I in touch with my childhood friends, we get together with each other quite frequently.

I visit my family whenever I have free time because family activities can give me a sense of happiness.

I go to the nearest cinema regularly.

I go for a jog once or twice a week if the weather is nice.

Many families at this time of year would spend a lot of money buying gifts for children.

Even though jeans are probably the most popular type of pants, I only wear once in a while.

I hardly ever use perfume. It's just not my thing.

every time I ... 每当我...

Every time I give my girlfriend a bunch of roses, she seems extremely happy, so this is why I always do it.

Every time I take the bus, I find that there are too many people on it, which is really uncomfortable.

I don't have time to do... 没有时间
I have no time doing sth

I normally go to the supermarket at weekends, because I have no time doing that during the week.

1.4.3. 将来时间


I hope,someday,I can run my own business.

At some point in the future 未来的某个时候

At some point in the future, I'd like to live in a place with a mild climate.

It's highly likely that... 将来很可能

It's highly likely that in the near future, we will be able to read news on our ceilings the moment we open our eyes in the morning.

There will probably/definitely be ... 很有可能.../一定会有...
There will probably/definitely be ... who/which/that/doing ...

There will definitely be fewer and fewer people who regard newspapers as their main source of information.

There will probably be more and more people in the next 20 or 30 years who will be out of work due to automation.

With robots taking more and more of our jobs, I think there will probably be more emphasis on art subjects on the school curriculum in the future.

There will definitely be more ways for us to entertain ourselves.

1.5. Place

  • close to
    • close to
    • just a short walk away from my home
    • within walking distance of my apartment
  • specific distance
    • It takes about 20 minutes to get there by bus.
    • The flight took us five hours.
  • wherever
    • wherever you/I go ...
    • no matter where you/I go ...
I grew up in the countryside. My favorite place was a river which was just a short walk away from my home.

My favorite hangout in a small bookstore named Pigeon. It takes about 20 minutes to get there by bus.

Key Words:
hangout 经常去的地方、喜欢待着的地方

1.6. Person

  • myself
    • when I'm alone
    • When I'm by myself
    • when I'm on my own
  • family
    • my folks /fəʊks/
    • my parents
    • my family members
  • friend
    • friend
    • close friend
    • closest friend
    • one of my closest friend
    • a very good friend of mine
I find it easier to concentrate on things when I'm alone/(by myself)/(on my own).

Due to my pestering, my parents/folks/(family members) are begining to learn English too.

One of my closest friends is a professional photographer. He's always present whenever there's an important occasion.

Key Words:
pester sb 不断烦扰某人、不断缠着某人让 ta 做某事
present 在场的
occasion 特别的事情、仪式、庆典

1.7. Feelings

1.7.1. Happy

  • “Happy” Synonyms
    • happy
    • pleased
    • excited
    • beyond excited
    • thrilled
    • overjoyed
    • jubilant
    • elated
    • ecstatic
    • I had a great/wonderful time.
  • Slang phrases for “Happy”
    • I had a ball.
    • I had a blast.
    • over the moon
    • on cloud nine
    • in seventh heaven
    • happy as a clam
    • tickled pink
    • levitating
    • chuffed
When I achieved my goal of reading 100 books within one year, I was beyond excited/overjoyed/on cloud nine/in seventh heaven.

There was a big yard in my childhood house and I always had a great time/(had a wonderful time) playing in it.

I'm pleased with my life.
This news thrills me to bits.
I'm feeling overjoyed.

That was an amazing concert and I had a ball/(had a blast) there.
I'm on cloud nine!
They're over the moon with you.
I'm chuffed to bits!

1.7.2. Sad

  • basic
    • sad /sadness
    • upset
    • frustrated
    • sorrowful / sorrow
    • disappointed / disappointment
    • hurt
    • heartbreak / heartbroken / broken-hearted
    • lonely / loneliness
    • neglected
    • uncomfortable
    • melancholy
  • advanced
    • depressed / depressed
    • clinical depression
    • ennui
    • grief / loss / mourning
  • slang
    • blue
    • down
    • in the dumps
I'm really sad.
He's full of sadness.
I met a lot of disappointment this year.
He's trying to deal with heartbreak.
She's a melancholy person.
I feel hurt when you say my cooking tastes bad.
I feel neglected when you don't call all week.

She is grieving her friend.
I'm  feeling pretty depressed today.
I suffer from clinical depression.

I'm feeling pretty blue lately.
He's pretty down about his test.
She's been in the dumps lately.


A: What’s up? You look down. 
B: Nothing. I’m just disappointed. 
A: Disappointed? About what?
B: College just isn’t what I thought it would be.

A: I suffer from depression. 
B: Don’t be sad! Look on the bright side!
A: No! I mean, I have clinical depression. B: Oh! Well, that’s a different story.

A: How’ve you been?
B: Honestly, I’m pretty blue these days. 
A: Is there any reason why?
B: I still haven’t gotten over the loss of my cat.

1.7.3. Like

  • verbs
    • like
    • fancy
    • admire
    • appreciate
    • cherish
    • treasure
    • prize
    • value
  • phrases
    • be fond of
    • find joy in
    • have feeling for
    • have a soft spot for
    • can't do without
  • slang
    • my cup of tea
    • my jam
    • my vibe
    • I'm digging xxx.
    • It's a vibe.
    • I'm vibing with xxx.
I like it.
I cherish out time together.
He admires her.
She fancies him.
I treasure my pets.

I'm fond of fast cars.
She finds a lot of joy in hiking.
I can't do without my morning coffee.
I think I have feelings for Steven.
He has a soft spot for dogs.

He's my cup of tea.
English is my jam!
I'm vibing with this song.
She's digging the art.


A: What kind of food do you like?
B: I’m pretty fond of Asian food. 
A: Are you into Thai food?
B: Thai food is a WHOLE vibe!

A: What do you think about pop music?
B: It’s not really my jam. 
A: Then what are you into?
B: I’m really vibing with rap these days.

1.7.4. Dislike

  • it's not my thing.
  • It's not my cup of tea
  • I'm not a fan of it.
  • I don't have any talent for it.
Playing musical instruments is not my thing/(not my cup of tea). I don’t have any talent for it.

1.7.5. Relax

  • relax
  • unwind
  • It's such a great way to relax.
  • It's such a great way to unwind.
  • It's such a great way to reduce stress.
  • It's a really good mood-lifter.
  • It's very relaxing and enjoyable.
  • It helps me let go of my stress.
  • It really helps me loosen up.
  • It helps me clear my head.
  • It helps me take my mind off things.
I  wish I could travel all the time; It's such a great way to unwind.

My neighbors always go to the night market. They seldom buy anything; they just say that it helps them let go of their stress.

Chatting and catching up with my relatives is very relaxing and enjoyable.

Key Words:
catch up with sb 和某人叙旧、了解某人的近况
mood-lifter 提升心情的东西/方法

1.7.6. Energetic & Calm

feel energetic 感到很有活力

feel motivated 感觉很有动力

feel refreshed 感到头脑更清醒

feel calm and peaceful 感觉心情很平静

Note:feel energetic和feel calm and peaceful常用来对比

Outdoor activities make people feel energetic. 户外活动让人们感觉很有活力。

A good night's sleep makes me feel refreshed. 好好睡一觉让我感觉头脑更清醒。

Employees feel motivated when they have a sense of belonging.当员工们有归属感时,他们感觉很有动力。

Colours can change people's moods. For example, red and orange make people feel energetic, while green and light blue make people feel calm and peaceful.

1.7.7. Boring

  • boring
  • quite boring
  • dull /dʌl/
  • as dull as dishwasher
  • It takes up a lot of my time.
  • It is so time-consuming.
I thought math was quite boring/dull/(as dull as dishwasher), so I was never good at it.

If I had a pet, it would definitely take up a lot of my time. This is why I’ve never wanted to have one.

Going to a hair salon, waiting there and getting a haircut is so time-consuming. I’m not a fan of it.

1.7.8. Anger

  • adj.
    • mad (at)
    • angry (at/with)
    • annoyed (at/with/by)
    • upset (with/by)
    • enraged (at/by)
  • phrase
    • get to sbd
    • tick sbd off
    • pop off
    • get on sbd's nerves
    • lose sbd's temper
    • blow sbd's top
I'm mad.
He makes me mad.
She upsets me.
Work make him upset.
I'm amgry at you.
I'm annoyed by that sound.

My boss gets on my nerves.
He ticks her off.
She's pretty ticked off.
His voice just gets to me.
She popped off on him.

1.7.9. German

das Gefühl, die Gefühle – feeling
das Glück – happiness(nur Singular)

Ich freue mich! – I'm happy!
Ich muss lachen. – I have to laugh.
die Trauer – mourning(nur Singular)

Ich bin traurig. – I'm sad.
Ich muss weinen. – I have to cry.
Ich bin wütend. – I'm angry.
Ich habe Angst. – I'm scared.
Ich bin geschockt. – I'm shocked.
Ich bin überrascht. – I'm surprised.
Ich schäme mich. – I'm ashamed.
Ich bin verwirrt. – I'm confused.
Mir ist langweilig. – I'm bored.

1.8. Opinions

1.8.1. 关于、提到、谈到

关于:regarding to, in regard to, with respect to, concerning

提到/谈到:speaking of, when it comes to ...

1.8.2. 换句话说,也就是说

In other words, ...

This means that...

... , which means that...

常用在Part 3中用来对前面的句子进行转述。

The internet will become faster in the future. In other words, sharing information on the internet will be easier and more efficient.

The internet will become faster in the future. This means that sharing information on the internet will be easier and more efficient.

The internet will become faster in the future, which means that sharing information on the internet will be easier and more efficient.

1.8.3. 表达个人观点——回答Part1,Part3开头常用词和表达


honestly speaking, honestly, to be perfectly honest

frankly speaking, frankly, to be frank


I think/believe/reckon/deem ...

I find sth. + adj.

I find the work I do quite stressful.
I found the new Fast and Furious movie extremely fascinating.

I'm convinced that ...

What I think is that ...

What I think is that newspapers will most likely be gone in the future.

What I think is that being likeable is the most important quality in a teacher. Students won't learn if they don't like their teacher.

What I think is that reading books will become less and less popular as people increasinglyuse their devices to pass the time.

What I think is that we all have a tendency to think of our past as more enjoyable than thepresent.

What I think is that making friends online is very risky.

Key Words:
as ... 随着...
increasingly 越来越多地
device (电子)设备、产品
pass the time 打发时间
tendency 倾向、偏好
think of sth as ... 把...看作/想作... enjoyable 有乐趣的、令人愉快的
the present 现在、当下
risky 有风险的

xxx, which I think is xxx

I snack on some chocolate from time to time, which I think is great. It puts me in a better mood.

I often do some reading for an hour or so in my downtime, which I think is pretty relaxing.

Key Words:
snake on => eat
an hour or so => about an hour
downtime => 1) the time during which a machine is not working or is not able to be used 2) time when you relax and do not do very much

from my perspective

from my point of view

in my viewpoint

as far as I'm concerned

in my opinion

im my eyes

personally speaking

当然:of cource, certainly

明显的:apparently, obviously, evidently

一般来说:generally speaking, generally, normally, basically

事实上:in fact, actually

1.8.4. 表达大众观点

There's no doubt that... 不可否认,毫无疑问,坚定看法

There's no doubt that more and more Chinese people want to travel overseas.

There's no doubt that being bilingual and even multilingual can make us more competitive when we enter the job market.

There's no doubt that the happiness that we achieve together with others can last much longer.

No one can deny the fact that ... 没人可以否认...

No one can deny the fact that parks are extremely important for a city.

No one can deny the fact that the main reason why people eat out more and more is that they're becoming increasingly busy.

It gose without saying that... 显而易见,肯定

It goes without saying that time management skills are crucial today.

It goes without saying that a lot of the information online today is unreliable; we have to bevery careful about what to trust.

It goes without saying that there’s less sense of community in big cities.

It goes without saying that today’s youth have a completely different lifestyle from their parents or grandparents.

... is considered (as/to be)... 被认为

Being able to stick to a plan is considered to be one of the most important building blocks of success.

Climate change is considered an existential issue of our time.

key Words:
stick to ... 坚持、遵守... 
building block 组成部分、构成材料
climate change 气候变化
existential 关于人类存在的
our time 我们这个时代

1.8.5. 视情况而定

It depends on the situation.

It depends on whether...

1.8.6. 不同

There are many substantial/striking differences between ... and ... (in terms of ) 很多不同

There are many striking differences between men and women in terms of the ways they spend free time.

the main difference is that... 最大不同

The main difference is that many boys prefer to learn gardening and mowing lawns, while girls would choose to learn cooking skills.

1.8.7. 肯定

it's important/necessary/convenient (for sb) to ... 认为 重要/必要

It's important for overweight people to cut back on junk food and begin to eat healthy diets.

It's incredibly important for interviewees to make a good first impression at an interview.

It's necessay for us to learn at least one foreign language in this interconnected world.

I believe it's necessary for us to go out and soak up the sunshine.

My school was about 10 kilometres from my home and it was only convenient for me to go in my dad's car.

Key Words:
cut back on => reduce
soak up => 1) absorb 2) expose to or experience

It's important/necessary/crucial/vital/essential that ... ... 是很重要/必要/必需/关键/至关重要的

It's extremely important that we try to be polite all the time.

It's necessary that we're updated on what's happening around the world.

It's vital that children have hobbies that they can resort to when they're tired or stressed.

...plays a crucial/vital/key role in... 在...中扮演重要角色

The internet plays such a vital role in our lives today that we just can't live without it.

Photography plays a crucial role in my life. I've loved it since I was ten.

Contrary to popular belief, parents play a more crucial role in a child's education than teachers.

The Internet play a key role in our lives.互联网在我们生活中起重要的作用(这句话中的lives是名词life的复数,正确发音是/laivz/)

Key Words:
contrary to popular belief 与普遍的看法相反

I can't emphasise enough the importance of ... 我认为...非常重要

I can't emphasise enough the importance of this festival. It's a big part of our national identity.

I can't emphasise enough the importance of family to me.

1.8.8. 否定

It would be unwise to (argue that)...

It would be unwise to push schools to focus on exam grades.

Some people wrongly believe that... 一些人错误认为

Some people wrongly believe that money is the only ingredient of happiness.

It's different (for sb) to... 困难

I have unusually small feet, so it's diffcult for me to buy shoes that fit me.

It is extremely difficult for parents to convince their kids not to play with ipads now.

1.8.9. 喜欢



I like / love / enjoy / adore ...

I quite like ...

I'm really into ...

I'm in love with ...

I'm fond of ...

I'm fond of sports.  
I'm fond of playing sports. 

My favourite.. is ...

It's always interesting to...

I'd love to...

I prefer to...

There's nothing I like more than...

There's nothing better than doing sth

There's nothing better than sharing your happiness so that others can be happy too.

There's nothing better than lying on a beach and doing a bit of reading; even thinking about it gives me a great feeling.

What I like (the most) about sth. is that ...

What I like about traveling by plane is that it's the fastest form of transport.

What I like about playing the guitar is that it's good escapism for me.

What I like the most about my major is that not a lot of people study it, which means I will have less competition when I try to find a job.

What I like the most about music is that it can always cheer me up after I've been sad or depressed.

Key Words:
form of transport 交通方式
escapism 解脱方法、逃避现实(不可数)

1.8.10. 不喜欢

I dislike/hate...

It's not my cup of tea.

I'm sick of...

1.8.11. 又(不)爱又(不)恨常用表达

I have mixed feeling about...

I love and hate...

on the one hand..., on the ohter hand...

I neither like it nor dislike it.

I don't dislike..., but I wouldn't say that I love/like...

1.8.12. 了解/不了解

have a good/better understanding of sth 更多地了解...

get/gain a better understanding of ...

give sb a better understanding of sth.

Learning foreign languages is incredibly important because it gives us a better understanding of other cultures.

This is a fascinating programme and it allows me to gain a better understanding of how scientists work.

That trip was educational because it helped me get a better understanding of a completely different culture and lifestyle within our country.

I got a better understanding of why I tend to be more productive in the morning through reading that book.

learn more about... 更多地了解...

I don't really know much about... 我不太了解

I'm not sure... 我不确定

1.9. Conjunction

1.9.1. Reason and Result 因为


The main reason why ... is that ...

be a factor in

It is understandable why

I think it is understandable why many people today eat fast food.They are too busy to cook a meal.

what I like (the most) about sth is that... 喜欢的原因

what's great about sth is that... 好的原因

What's great about my hometown is that there are many shopping malls here, which is fantastic for me, coz I'm a shopaholic.

What's great about playing computer games is that not only can it help me relax, I can learn some English at the same time.

What’s great about playing games with others is that we can bond with each other while having fun.

What’s great about social media is that we can hang out with our friends anytime anywhere, virtually, of course.

Key Words:
bond vi. (与某人)增进感情
hang out 玩、待着、泡在某处
virtually 虚拟地 所以


Standards of safety are higher now, so there are fewer accidents. 目的是,以便,为了

so that + sentence

They programme the robot so that it can move its arms and legs.

I dragged myself out of bed extremely early so that I could catch the early train.

It's a good idea to copy some reputable people's behavior so that we can be better people too.

in order to + v.

I would like to take a Spanish course in order to prepare myself for opening a diner in Spain.

He came home early in order to see the kids before they went to bed.

I agreed to her suggestion in order not to upset her.

Some young people volunteer to work overtime in order to earn more money. I hope they don't get burned out because of this.

Key Words:
work overtime
burnd out => exhausted
copy sth => imitate
reputable 因此

As a result,...


1.9.2. 并列

  • 句前
    • What's more , ...
    • Besides , ...
  • 句中
    • ... and ...
    • ... also ... 也
  • 句后
    • ... , too.
    • ... , as well.
Dancing also reduces stress and anxiety.

1.9.3. 举例

for example , ...

for instance , ...

such as ...

like ...

1.9.4. 转折

But ...

However , ...

1.9.5. 假设 (虚拟语气)

If ... , ...

Without ... , ... would ...

Without friends, life would be dull and boring.
Without old buildings , cities would be less interesting.

provided that 如果,在...条件下

Parents should take their kids to parks as often as possible provided that there's one close to their home.

Provided that I'm free on the weekend, I go back to my parents' place. That's my safe haven.

I wish ... were/had/could ... 我希望...

I wish I had different neighbours. The people living next door always make a lot of noise, which is a pain in the neck.

I wish I were a better painter. I've never been able to draw or paint well.

It would be great if ... were/had/could ...

It would be great if my apartment were bigger. The one I'm currently  living in is too narrow.

It would be great if I were richer. That way, I would be able to buy better cameras.

It's hard to imagine a world in which ... 很难想象一个...的世界

It's hard to imagine a world in which everyone just studies and works on their own.

It's hard to imagine a world in which people work all the time and never take any time off.

1.9.6. 对比

On the other hand , ...


By contrast , ...

1.9.7. 让步(尽管)


In spite of the fact that ...

Despite the fact that ...

In spite of the fact that a big proportion of our goals are usually not achieved, we should still set clear aims for the future.

In spite of the fact that some content on the Internet does harm to children, we shouldn't ignore its benefits, which far outweigh its downsides.

Despite the fact that our flight was an hour late, we still got there on time.

1.9.8. 替代(而不是)

rather than

1.9.9. 强调

It is/was ... that/who ...

It was my uncle who bought me my first watch.

It's my English teacher who's had the greatest influence on my life.

It was last week that I realised that I needed to buy a car of my own.

1.9.10. 只要

as long as

I believe as long as we work hard, we can learn a foreign language well.

As long as the weather is good and I don't have anything more important to do, I go cycling, either alone or with my friends.

1.9.11. 除非


I never wear anything pink or red unless my girlfriend makes me.

Normally, I don't eat any chocolate unless I feel extremely frustrated. Chocolate makes me happier.

1.10. Status Quo and Tendency

1.10.1. 发现/察觉

  • convenient and reliable 方便可靠的

  • more eco-friendly 更加环保的

  • overcrowded 过于拥挤的

make sb./sth. Comparative

Old buildings make cities more attractive.

Artificial intelligence makes life easier and more comfortable.

find it hard/different to ...

Many employees find it hard to keep a work-life balance.

Many employees find it hard to achieve a balance between work and life.

From what I've seen/heard/read,... 看到/听到/读到

From what I’ve read, roughly 60% of teenagers turn to their peers first for advice instead of their parents.

From what I’ve heard, it’s highly likely that most English teachers will be replaced by robots inthe next 30 years.

From what I’ve seen in my hometown, a key tourist destination, a growing number of tourists do lead to the place being a little dirtier than before.

Key Words:
roughly 大约... 
turn to sb 向某人求助
one’s peers 某人的同龄人、同辈
highly likely 很有可能
be replaced by ... 被...取代
key 关键的、重要的
tourist destination 旅行目的地(城市、国家...)
a growing number of ... 越来越多的...
lead to sth 导致...

It's no uncommon for sb to do sth 普遍

It's not uncommon for Chinese people to buy luxury cars now.

It's not uncommon for city dwellers to want to be closer to nature.

It's not uncommon for young people to go to the movie theater every weekend to relax and have fun.

Whenever/Wherever... No matter when/where... 无论何时/何地

Whenever I hang out with my parents, I just feel that time passes pretty quickly.

No matter when you go to a park, you can see a lot of people, especially elderly people, dancing in big groups there.

No matter where you go, you can see people wearing jeans.
No matter where you are, you can find that almost everybody has their head buried in their smartphone.

Wherever you go, there are so many cars on the streets and people are always caught up in traffic.

Wherever I go, I wear a hat. It's been my habit for years and I don't think I'll ever change it.

No matter where I go, I take a book with me. I like to read on the subway or on the bus.

Key Words:
be caught up in traffic => traffic congestion
for years => for the past many years
it's been => it has been

What left a deep impression on me was that ... ...给我留下了深刻印象

What left a deep impression on me was that most people there could speak more than one language.

What left a deep impression on me was that although the city is densely populated, we didn't see many traffic jams.

I notice that... 我注意到

the main problem is that... 问题是

It is fair that... 是合理的,是公平的

It's short-sighted to ... 是短视的

It's short-sighted to believe that we should put the economy before the environment.

1.10.2. 往往,倾向于

tend to + 动词 往往

choose to

prefer to

Children tend to copy what they see on TV. 儿童往往会模仿他们在电视上看到的行为

Children tend to copy what they see in video games. As a result, some young players become aggressive and violent.

Young people tend to be more open-minded and more creative than elderly people.年轻人往往比老年人思想更开放而且更有创造力。

tend to 在Part 3 里进行对比时也很实用:

Women tend to think of shopping as a relaxing activity, while men tend to think of shopping as a mission that needs to be completed.

1.10.3. 变化

In the past,... Nowadays/Today/These days, ...

In the past, many people had(过去式)a healthy and active lifestyle. Nowadays, many people, especially young people, spend(现在时)too much time playing video games or chatting on social media, which means that they tend to have an inactive lifestyle.
  • 正在变化
    • be becoming increasingly ...
    • be becoming more and more ...
  • 已经变化 (become - bocame - become)
    • have become increasingly ...
    • have become more and more ...
My hometown is becoming increasingly congested.

I tend to believe that our society is becoming increasingly selfish.

Our city has become more and more crowded over the last 10 years.

have/has ... over the last ... years/decades 在过去的...年间

I've bought three cameras and taken roughly 100,000 photos over the last 3 years.

I've been to 7 countries over the last 5 years.

The way Chinese people relax/(raise their children) has changed dramatically/(a lot) over the last 3 decades.

People in China have placed more and more emphasis on environmental protection over the last 10 years. 

1.10.4. 影响/导致

What's great about sth. is that ... 某事物的一个好处是...

have a positive/negative effect/impact on sth 积极/消极影响

Looking up to hard-working celebrities has a positive effect on children; they will copy their idols’ behavior and be diligent too.

Having good interpersonal skills absolutely has a positive impact on one’s success in theworkplace.

Having poorly trained waiters and waitresses absolutely has a negative effect on thereputation of a restaurant.

Key Words:
look up to sb 仰慕、尊敬...
idol 偶像
diligent 勤勉的、刻苦努力的
interpersonal 人际的、人与人之间的
poorly trained 没有培训好的
reputation 名声、声望

take its toll on... 对...产生严重后果/有危害(消极影响)

We have developed so fast with no regard for the environment. It’s beginning to take its toll. 

Not having a good work ethic takes its toll on a worker’s reputation as well as their ownfuture.

Key Words:
no regard for sth 不顾... 
work ethic 职业道德、敬业精神

... are under threat ...受到威胁

pose a threat to ... 对...构成威胁

这两个句型在Part 3讨论**传统,环境,健康,动植物**的时候很有用

Nowadays, many traditions are under threat.很多传统受到威胁

Some wild species are under threat from global warming.一些野生物种受到全球变暖的威胁

Carbon emissions pose a threat to the environment.碳排放对环境构成了威胁

1.10.5. 过于依赖和上瘾

rely too much on... 过于依赖...

are addicted to... 对...上瘾

They rely too much on fast food, which damages their health.

Many people are addicted to social media.

1.10.6. 老少皆宜和性价比很高

is good for all ages 适合各年龄段,老少皆宜

is good value for money 性价比很高

Swimming is good for all ages.游泳老少皆宜

This mobile phone/tablet is good value for money.这部手机/平板性价比很高

1.11. Action

1.11.1. 必须做某事

have no choice but to do sth 不得不...

They didn't want to hurt me, so they had no choice but to tell a white lie. 

I try to visit my grandparents at least once a month, but sometimes I might have a lot on my plate and have no choice but to visit them less often.

Key Words:
have a lot on my plate => busy

1.11.2. 想要做某事

I'd love/like to

I want to/wanna

1.11.3. 是时候做某事

It's high time that we ...

It's highly time that we took action to save endangered animals.

It's highly time that we realised the importance of fighting climate change, otherwise, our world would be at risk.

1.11.4. 解决方法

There are many ways to ... 有很多方法

There are some measures/actions that could be taken to deal with... 有些方法可以解决

be a good/great/quick/long-term/potential way/solution to... ...是好的方法去解决..

A good/great/quick/easiest/long-term/potential way/solution is to... 一个好的/便捷的/容易的/长远的/可能的解决方法是...

be a good/great source of + 名词 很好的xx来源

**A long-term solution is to** develop technology that can make clean energy cheaper and more reliable.

Swimming **is a good way to** lose weight.

The internet **is a good source of** information.

1.11.5. 鼓励和激励

encourage ... to ... 常用来说家长、老师或政府鼓励

inspire ... to ... 常用来说名人(celebrities)激励

Governments should encourage people to take public transport more often.

Sports stars can inspire young people to reach their potential.运动明星能激励年轻人充分发挥出他们的潜力

1.11.6. 让某人可以.../使某人能够...

allow/enable sb. /sth. to do sth.允许/让某人可以去做某事


Artificial intelligence enables people to save time and energy.

Technology enables companies to boost efficiency.

Being bilingual enables me to communciate with a wider world.

1.11.7. 提供多种多样的

offer a wide variety of

offer a wide range of

This area offers a wide range of public transport(公共交通), like buses, taxis, and the underground.

Large cities offer a wide variety of leisure facilities(休闲设施), such as parks, shopping centers and sports centers.

1.11.8. 形成生活方式

have a ... lifestyle 有...的生活方式

develop a ... lifestyle 形成...的生活方式

These days, people tend to have a fast-paced lifestyle. 有快节奏的生活方式

Playing outdoor games can help children develop an active/ a healthy lifestyle.


Some children who spend too much time playing video games develop an inactivate/unhealthy lifestyle.


1.11.9. 拉近距离

bring ... closer together/closer/together 拉近...的距离

No matter what we do in our free time, it brings people closer together. Therefore, workingtoo much is bad for relationships.

I think a park brings neighbors closer; they can exercise together, chat, dance and walk their dogs together.

A common language brings people from different countries and cultures together.

1.11.10. 提升意识

raise people's awareness of... 提升人们对于...的意识

There should be more public service advertisements to raise people's awareness of childhood obesity.

We should try to rasie people's awareness of the increasing loneliness that old people are suffering today.

It's crucial that we raise people's awareness of the importance of protecting old buildings because they constantly remind us that we have a rich history.