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LizAbout 7 minConversationCareers


1. English

What is your profession?

1.1. Looking for work

  • unemployed
  • between jobs (left one job and is looking for another)
  • recent graduage
  • career change
  • got laid off
  • quit
I'm between jobs right now.
I just got laid off.
I'm in the middle of a career change.
I'm a recent art graduate from NYU.
  • work
  • job
  • role
  • position
  • industry
  • field
I'm looking for work.
I'm looking for a role in marketing.
What industry are you in?
  • job description
  • CV / resume
  • full-time
  • part-time
  • internship


  • Remote / Online / Virtual
  • In-person / In-office / In-location

1.2. Interview

Tell me a little about yourself.
Introduce yourself.
Tell me about yourself.
I am a software engineer with 5 years of experience.
I have been in marketing for 5 years as a director.
I just finished my translation degree at NYU.
I am a perfect fit because xxx.
This job is ideal for me because xxx.
I hope to have the chance to xxx in this job.
This job is a perfect fit with my background.

1.3. Job Benefits

What are the benefit like?
Her job has good benefits.
We have a competitive benefits package.
  • insurance
    • insurance
    • coverage
    • medical / health
    • dental
    • mental health
  • living expenses
    • stipend
    • living stipend
    • housing
    • housing stipend
  • education
    • paid training
    • continuing education stipend
    • student loan repayment
  • retirement
    • 401k
    • IRA (individual retirement account)
  • other
    • stock
My insurance is through my job.
My company has good insurance.
Her job doesn't offer dental.

We get a housing stipend.
His job offers housing.

We get paid training.
My company pays for continuing education.
Her company helps pay her student loans.

I nned to get a 401k.
My IRA is through my job.

If I stay for 5 years, I'll get stock.


A: What's your benefits package like?
B: We offer medical insurance and retirement.
A: Do you use a 401k or an IRA?
B: We have a great 401k plan.

A: How is your insurance?
B: We offer everything, including mental health and dental.
A: That's great. What about parental leave?
B: We offer 12 weeks of paid maternal leave.

A: I'm thinking about getting a full-time jobs.
B: You don't want to freelance anymore?
A: Freelancing is fun, but I need benefits.
B: Yeah. A good 401k is really helpful.

1.4. Promotions & Raises

  • Promotions
    • get a promotion
    • promote || be promoted
    • promote ... to || be promoted to ...
    • ... (is) up for promotion
  • Raise
    • a raise
    • get a raise
    • ask for a raise
    • salary negotiation
I think I will get a promotion next year.
I think we should promote him.
She was promoted to manager.
She's up for promotion this quarter.

I deserve a raise.
She got a raise with her promotion.
He's afraid to ask for a raise.
I want to negotiate my salary.


A: I think I deserve a raise. 
B: Well, your performance reviews are good…
A: And I’ve been working here for a long time. 
B: Ok. I will consider it and get back to you. 

A: Did you get that raise?
B: Nah. The boss said, “Maybe next year.”
A: I’m sorry to hear it. 
B: Yep. My salary is too low for my cost of living. 

A: My salary is too low. It sucks. 
B: Well, why don’t you quit?
A: I’m up for promotion next year, and the promotion should come with a raise. 
B: In that case, good luck!

1.5. Office Talk

  • talk to
    • talk to
    • touch base with sbd
    • loop sbd in
  • align with sbd
    • align with sbd
    • get on the same page with sbd
  • come back to
    • come back to
    • circle back
    • follow up on xxx later
    • table it
    • put a pin in it
  • acronyms
    • FYI (for your information)
    • ASAP (as soon as possible)
    • EOD (end of day)
    • ETA (estimated time of arrival)
Have you toched base with Tom?
I'll loop Karen in.

We should align with HR.
Let's get on the same page.

Let's circle back to this.
Let's follow up on this later.
We can table this for now.
Let's put a pin in this.

The boss is here today, FYI.
We should fix this ASAP.
I need this done by EOD.
What's your ETA?


A: Have you aligned with Lisa?
B: Not yet.
A: Loop her in. She should know about this.
B: OK. I'll get in touch with her today.

A: I'd like to follow up on that project.
B: It'll be done ASAP.
A: Do you have an ETA?
B: Probably before lunch.

1.6. Business Trip

  • (go on) a business trip (noun)
  • a business travel (noun)
  • travel for work (verb)
  • out of office
I'm going on a business trip tomorrow.
She's on a business travel this week.
I travel a lot for work.
I'm out of office this week.
He's out of office until the 19th.
  • expense (n. & v.)
  • reimburse
  • per diem
  • company card || corporate card
My expenses are really high this month.
I can expense my meals.
All my travel is reimbursed.
We get a $100 per diem.
I don't get a per diem, but I can expense everything.
If it's more than your per diem, just pay the difference.
I put it on the company card.
Use the company card when you book your ticket.
We get a per diem, not a corporate card.


A: I’m going on a business trip. 
B: Where are you going?
A: I’m going to Seattle to see a new client. 
B: How long will you be out of office?

A: How much is your per diem?
B: It’s about $50. 
A: That’s not enough to cover a hotel!
B: I know. That’s why I never travel.

1.7. Leave

  • leave (uncountable)

  • time off

  • use / take

  • have / get

  • ask for

I should use my leave.
I took some leave. || I took some time off.
I don't have any leave left.
I  will ask for time off.
  • leave policy
  • paid leave || paid time off (PTO)
  • unpaid leave
What is your leave policy like?
I have 2 weeks of PTO.
My salary is low, but I get lots of PTO.
I asked for unpaid leave to visit home.
  • medical leave
  • a sick day
  • parental leave (maternity, parenity)
  • bereavement leave
I took a sick day yesterday.
I'm out of sick days.
We only get 12 weeks of maternity leave.
He is on bereavement leave.


A: What’s your parental leave policy?
B: We offer 12 weeks of paid leave. 
A: What about medical leave?
B: You get 8 paid sick days.

A: Why aren’t you at work?
B: I asked for leave. 
A: Oh! How much time off do you get?
B: 3 weeks, but it’s unpaid.

1.8. Leaving a Job

  • Geting Fired
    • (be/get) fired || fired for cause
    • (be/get) terminated
    • (be/get) let go
    • (be/get) laid off
    • lose (a) job
  • Quit
    • quit
    • resign
    • submit (a) resignation
    • put in two-week 's notice
    • (get/take) a new job
    • leave
She was fired last week.
You're fired.
I got fired from my last job.
I'm afraid we have to let you go.
The company is having big layoffs.
I don't want to lose my job.

I quit my job last year.
I quit!
If you do this, I will resign.
Please submit your resignation.
He put in his two-week's notice.
I left my job to follow my dream.


A: Hey, where’s Susan? I haven’t seen her. 
B: Oh, Susan got let go yesterday. 
A: Really? Why?
B: Her performance reviews were really bad.

A: I survived this round of layoffs, but I think I’ll quit anyway. 
B: Why would you quit?
A: The office atmosphere is really depressing. 
B: Ah. I guess everyone’s afraid for their job.

2. German

der Beruf, die Berufe – occupation
Was machst du beruflich? – What's your job? (informal)
Was machen Sie beruflich? – What do you do for a living? (formal)
Was bist du von Beruf? – What do you do? (informal)
Was sind Sie von Beruf? – What's your occupation? (formal)
Ich bin Bauarbeiter. – I'm a construction worker.
Ich bin Polizistin. – I'm a policewoman.
Ich bin arbeitslos. – I'm unemployed.
Ich studiere. – I am a university student.
Ich mache eine Ausbildung. – I am doing vocational training.
arbeiten – to work
arbeitet, arbeitete, hat gearbeitet
die Arbeit – work
hier nur Singular
Ich suche Arbeit. – I'm looking for a job.

der Arzt, die Ärzte – doctor (male)
die Ärztin, die Ärztinnen – doctor (female)
Ich bin Ärztin. – I'm a doctor.
der Lehrer, die Lehrer – teacher (male)
die Lehrerin, die Lehrerinnen – teacher (female)
Ich möchte Lehrer werden. – I want to be a teacher.
der Erzieher, die Erzieher – pre-school/day care teacher (male)
die Erzieherin, die Erzieherinnen – pre-school/day care teacher (female)
der Krankenpfleger, die Krankenpfleger – nurse (male)
die Krankenschwester, die Krankenschwestern – nurse (female)
der Journalist, die Journalisten – journalist (male)
die Journalistin, die Journalistinnen – journalist (female)
der Ingenieur, die Ingenieure – engineer (male)

die Ingenieurin, die Ingenieurinnen – engineer (female)
der Computerspezialist, die Computerspezialisten – computer specialist
die Computerspezialistin, die Computerspezialistinnen – computer specialist
der Architekt, die Architekten – architect (male)
die Architektin, die Architektinnen – architect (female)
der Taxifahrer, die Taxifahrer – taxi driver (male)
die Taxifahrerin, die Taxifahrerinnen – taxi driver (female)
der Busfahrer, die Busfahrer – bus driver (male)
die Busfahrerin, die Busfahrerinnen – bus driver (female)
der Friseur, die Friseure – hairdresser/hairstylist (male)
die Friseurin, die Friseurinnen – hairdresser/hairstylist (female)
der Koch, die Köche – cook (male)
die Köchin, die Köchinnen – cook (female)
der Verkäufer, die Verkäufer – salesman (male)
die Verkäuferin, die Verkäuferinnen – saleswoman (female)
der Kfz-Mechatroniker, die Kfz-Mechatroniker – mechatronics engineer (male)
die Kfz-Mechatronikerin, die Kfz-Mechatronikerinnen – mechatronics
engineer (female)
der Handwerker, die Handwerker – handyman / craftsman (male)
die Handwerkerin, die Handwerkerinnen – craftswoman (female)

die Bewerbung, die Bewerbungen – application
Ich habe mich auf die Stelle beworben. – I applied for the job.
das Anschreiben, die Anschreiben – cover letter
der Lebenslauf, die Lebensläufe – CV
das Bewerbungsfoto, die Bewerbungsfotos – application photo
das Arbeitszeugnis, die Arbeitszeugnisse – reference letter
das Sprachzertifikat, die Sprachzertifikate – language certificate
die Stellenanzeige, die Stellenanzeigen – job ad
das Vorstellungsgespräch, die Vorstellungsgespräche – job interview
die Absage, die Absagen – rejection
Ich habe eine Absage bekommen. – I got a rejection.
die Zusage, die Zusagen – acceptance
Ich habe den Job! – I got the job!
das Praktikum, die Praktika – internship
die Personalabteilung, die Personalabteilungen – human resources
Ich unterschreibe den Arbeitsvertrag. – I’m signing the employment contract.

der Chef, die Chefs – boss (male)
die Chefin, die Chefinnen – boss (female)
der Angestellte, die Angestellten – employee (male)
mit unbestimmtem Artikel: ein Angestellter, Angestellte
die Angestellte, die Angestellten – employee (female)
mit unbestimmtem Artikel: eine Angestellte, Angestellte
das Büro, die Büros – office
der Kollege, die Kollegen – colleague (male)
die Kollegin, die Kolleginnen – colleague (female)
Ich habe nette Kollegen. – I have nice colleagues.
die Arbeitszeit, die Arbeitszeiten – working hours
Überstunden machen – to work overtime
die Mittagspause, die Mittagspausen – lunch break
der Feierabend, die Feierabende – finishing time
Ich mache jetzt Feierabend. – I'm finishing work now.
Ich nehme mir frei. – I'm taking time off.
Ich muss mich krankmelden. – I have to call in sick.
Ich kündige. – I quit.

die Vollzeit – full-time
nur Singular
die Teilzeit – part-time
nur Singular
Ich arbeite Teilzeit. – I work part-time.
die Festanstellung, die Festanstellungen – permanent position
Ich bin fest angestellt. – I am a permanent employee.
Wir sind selbständig. – We are self-employed.
die Schwarzarbeit – under the table work
nur Singular
Er arbeitet schwarz. – He works under the table.
der Stundenlohn, die Stundenlöhne – hourly wage
das Gehalt, die Gehälter – salary
die Gehaltsabrechnung, die Gehaltsabrechnungen – payroll

brutto – gross
netto – net
Ich verdiene zu wenig Geld. – I earn too little.
die Rentenversicherung, die Rentenversicherungen – pension insurance
die Arbeitslosenversicherung, die Arbeitslosenversicherungen –
unemployment insurance