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LizAbout 1 minConversationGraduating


1. English

Major & Minor

  • major
  • minor
  • concentration
What's your major?

My major is business.
I'm an English major.
I'm majoring in engineering.

I have a minor int math.

I'm majoring in art with a minor in education.
I'm studying music with a concentration in performance.

Kind of Degrees

  • bachelor's degree
  • master's degree
  • doctorate
I'm getting my master's.

What degree do you have?
I got my master's in the USA.
Cool. What is it in?
It's in science, but I work in the arts.


  • GPA (grade point average)
  • scholarship
  • graduate with honors
What's your GPA?
My GPA is too low.
I have a 3.8 GPA.

I got a scholarship.
She graduated with honors.
  • class
  • course
  • course catalog
  • seminar
  • required / elective
  • semester
I'm taking two math classes.
I'm taking all required classes.
She take a lot of electives.
He dropped out of his history course.
  • tuition fees
  • living expenses

2. German

Ich studiere Germanistik. – I study German language and literature.
Ich bin im ersten Semester. – I'm in my first semester.
Ich studiere auf Lehramt. – I'm studying to be a teacher.
Ich schreibe meine Bachelorarbeit. – I'm writing my bachelor's thesis.
Ich habe einen Bachelor in Geschichte. – I have a bachelor's degree in history.
Ich schreibe meine Masterarbeit. – I'm writing my master's thesis.
Ich habe einen Master in Mathematik. – I have a master's degree in
Ich habe mein Maschinenbau-Studium abgebrochen. – I dropped out of the
mechanical engineering program.
Ich habe mein Jura-Studium abgeschlossen. – I graduated in law.
Ich schreibe meine Doktorarbeit. – I'm writing my doctoral thesis.
Ich mache meinen Doktor in Physik. – I'm doing a PhD in physics.
Ich habe einen Doktortitel in Medizin. – I have a PhD in medicine.