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LizAbout 3 minConversationHobbies


1. English

1.1. hobbies

What do you do in your spare time?
What is your hobby? 
Do you have any hobbies?
What do you do for fun?
What do you do on the weekends?
  • Cooking / baking
  • Reading
  • Pets
  • Video gameing
  • Outdoor activities
  • Traveling
  • DIY and arts & crafts
  • Socializing
  • Gardening and plants
  • Board games / Card games
  • Cars / Vehicles
  • Doing sports and fitness
  • Meditation / Wellness
  • Photography
  • Tech / Computers
  • Writing
  • Making music
I'm into fitness.
I'm a gamer.
I'm am amateur musician.
I just hang out.

How long have you been playing?
What kind of dog do you have?
What do you wirte?


What do you do on the weekends?
I usually go running or hiking.
Really? How long have you been running?
Ever since high school.

Do you have any hobbies?
Not really.
Then what do you do for fun? 
I just hang out at home, I guess.

1.2. Sports

Sports || Exercise || Work out

  • cardio
    • ball
      • Tennis
      • Badminton
      • Basketball
      • Football
      • Soccer
      • Ping-pong
      • Baseball
      • Volleyball
      • Golf
    • run / jog
    • walking
    • hiking
  • strength training
    • lift weights
    • free weights
    • warm up
    • cool down
Do you play sports?
Do you play tennis? / Are you into tennis?
Are you good?
When/where do you play?
Do you play for fun?
Are you in a league?

Do you work out?
Are you a runner?
Do you even lift?
  • machine
    • the track
    • treadmill
    • elliptical
    • weight machine
    • resistance
    • reps
  • body index
    • pace
    • pulse
    • endurance
    • muscle group
    • upper body
    • lower body
    • core
  • target
    • burn calories
    • bulk up
What's your pace?
My endurance is getting better.
Time to go burn some calories!
If it's too easy, increase the resistance.
My core needs serious work.
Use low resistance and high reps.
Do you watch sports?
Who's your team?
Did you see the game?
Did you see it in person?
Is there a watch party?
I will win.
I will win the game.
My team won.
My team lost.

I will beat you.
I will lose to you.


Do you play any sports?
I play soccer every week.
Wow! Are you in a league?
No, it's just for fun.

Are you into tennis?
Yeah. I play every Tuesday.
Where do you play?
At the university. Do you want to come?

1.3. Entertainment

  • Movie
  • TV
  • Music
  • Instagram (Insta)
  • TikTok
  • Board games
  • Video games
  • Reading
  • Going out
  • Hanging out
I (really) like movies.
I love video games.
I just like hanging out.
I don't like TV.
What do you do for fun?
Do you like movies?
Are you into board games?
What shows do you watch?
What's your favorite book?
Have you seen xxx?
You should try xxx.
I think you'd like xxx.
Any recommendations?


Have you see Barbie?
I have!
What did you think of it?
It was a lot of fun.

What do you do for fun?
I hang out at home and listen to music.
Really? Any recommendations?
I will send you some.

1.4. Vacations / Travel

kinds of vacations

  • trip
  • weekend
  • getaway / escape (short vacation)
  • guided tour
  • family vacation
  • road trip
  • staycation
We have a weekend in Paris.
  • stay
  • book
  • jetlag (body) || time difference (time)
  • travel time
  • rail pass
  • visa
We stayed in a fancy hotel.
There's a 7-hour time difference.
Get the rail pass! It makes life easier.
  • a planner vs. wing it
  • immerse
  • explore
  • backpack
My partner is a planner, but I like to wing it.
I love being immersed in local culture.

1.5. Pets

  • sources
    • shelter / pound
    • breeder
    • pet store
    • rescue
    • stray
    • foster
  • breeds
    • purebred
    • mix
    • mutt
  • health
    • spay (female)
    • neuter (male)
    • shots
    • vet
    • house trained || housebroken
  • supplies
    • leash
    • collar
    • harness
    • tags
    • chip
    • little box
    • treats
I got him from the shelter.
He was a stray.

My dog is a mutt.
She's a purebred Frenchie.

Is she spayed?
I'll take her to the vet for her shots.
He wasn't housebroken when I found him.

She had a collar, but no tags.
My dog always gets out of her harness.


Do you have any pets?
I have one dog and two cats.
Do they get along?
They're best buds.

2. German

die Freizeit – spare time
(nur Singular)
Was machst du in deiner Freizeit? – What do you do in your spare time?
Ich mache Sport. – I work out.
Ich spiele Fußball. – I play soccer.
Ich tanze gern. – I like dancing.
Ich gehe spazieren. – I walk.
Ich gehe joggen. – I jog.
Ich gehe schwimmen. – I swim.
Ich gehe klettern. – I go climbing.
Ich gehe wandern. – I hike.
Ich fahre gern Fahrrad. – I like bike riding.
Ich gehe ins Fitnessstudio. – I go to the gym.

Ich schwimme gern. – I like swimming.
Ich fahre gerne Ski. – I like skiing.
Kommst du mit? – Do you want to come along? (informal)

das Hobby, die Hobbys – hobby
Was sind deine Hobbys? – What are your hobbies? (informal)
Ich lese gern. – I like reading.
Ich koche gern. – I like cooking.
Ich höre gerne Musik. – I like listening to music.
Ich singe gern. – I like singing.
Ich gehe gern ins Kino. – I like going to the movies.
Ich gehe gern ins Theater. – I like going to the theater.
Ich fotografiere gern. – I like taking pictures.
Ich male gern. – I like painting.
Ich gehe gern ins Museum. – I like going to the museum.
Ich surfe im Internet. – I surf the internet.
Ich spiele Computerspiele. – I play computer games.
Ich treffe mich mit Freunden. – I hang out with friends.
Ich gehe gern shoppen. – I like going shopping.
Ich höre lieber Musik. – I prefer listening to music.