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LizAbout 5 minConversationIntroduction


1. English

1.1. Questions

Question WordInformation
When?What time?Time
Which?Choice from a Selection
How often?Frequency
How much?How many?Quantity
How long?Time
And you?How about you?same question
Who is that? --- She is Mary, my sister.
What is that? --- It is an apple.
What is the day? --- It is Monday.
Where do you live? --- I live in London.
When is our class? --- It is at 4pm.
When is your birthday? --- It is on 30th July.
Why are you sad? --- Besause I lost my phone.
Which is your favourite colour, pink or blue? --- My favourite colour is blue.
How often do you play tennis? --- Every day.
How are you? --- I'm good thank you.
How many cakes do you want? --- I want 4 cakes, please.
How long have you been here? 

--- I have been here for 2 years.
--- Just 1 month. I'm just travling.

1.2. Personal Information

Name (Hannah Ruth Wilkinson)

  • First Name (Hannah)
  • Family Name / Surname (Wilkinson)
  • Middle Name (Ruth) Age Job Country Live Address Telephone number Email address

1.3. Name


What is your name?
What are you called?

What is your surname?
What is your middle name?
What is your full name?


My name is Liz.
I am called Liz.
I am Liz.

My surname is Wilkinson.
My middle name is Ruth.
My full name is Hannah Ruth Wilkinson.

1.4. Age


How old are you? [pronunciation:w-o]


I am 26 years old.

1.5. Job


What is your job?
What do you do?


I am a teacher.
I am an engineer.

I'm in finance.

1.6. Country


Where are you from? [prounciation: where-are]
Where do you come from?
Which country are you from?


I am from China/England/the USA. 

1.7. Live


Where do you live?


I live in England. # country
I live in Winchester. # city

1.8. Address


What is your address?
What is your postcode?


My address is xxx.
My postcode is AB1 2CD.

typical structure of an address in England

  • the name of the house (Happy House)
  • the number of the house and the street (1 Bobs Road)
  • the city (Winchester)
  • the country or the region (Hampshire)
  • the postcode (AB1 2CD)

1.9. Telephone number


What is your number?
What is your phone number?
What is your telephone number?


My number is 01234 567 890. # [prounciation: 0 -> [oh]]
My phone number is xxx.
My telephone number is xxx.
My number is 01234 567 880. # [prounciation: 88 -> [double eight] -> le+ei -> [lei]]

1.10. Email Address


What is your email address? # [pronuciation: l+a -> [la]]


My email address is xxx.
My email address is
MY email address at the company is xxx.
@ at
. dot 
- dash
_ underscore
/ forward slash

1.11. Appearance


  • tall / short
  • fat
  • slim / athletic
  • muscular
He is tall.
He is short but muscular.
She's pretty slim.
She's a bit fat.


  • long / short
  • curly / straight
  • bald
  • brown / black / red
  • blonde (gold hair for girl) / blond (gold hair for boy)
She has curly red hair.
She has long blonde hair.
He has short blond hair.
He is bald.


  • Brown
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Dark
  • Hazel
  • Wear glasses / sunglasses
He has brown eyes.
She always wears sunglasses.


A: Do you know Kevin?
B: Maybe. What does he look like?
A: He’s short and trim. 
B: Does he have red hair?

A: Who is Josh?
B: He is that guy over there. 
A: Which one?
B: The tall one with brown hair.

A: Is Sarah the short girl over there?
B: No, that’s Amanda. Sarah is taller than that. 
A: Does she have curly hair?
B: No, her hair is straight.

1.12. Personality

  • outgoing
    • an extrovert
    • extroverted
    • talkative
    • a perple person
    • a social butterfly
  • shy
    • an introvert
    • introverted
    • quiet
    • reserved
    • homebody
  • ambitious
    • go-getter
    • stubborn
    • high-strung
  • chill
    • easygoing
    • lazy
    • laid back
  • kind
    • nice
    • friendly
    • generous
  • cold
    • stuck-up
    • mean
    • selfish
She's really outgoing.
He's kind of a homebody.
She's very ambitious.
She's pretty laid back.
He's a little lazy.


A: What is your brother like?
B: He’s nice. And he’s very ambitious.
A: Are you ambitious, too?
B: Not really. I’m pretty laid back.

A: Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
B: I think I’m pretty extroverted. 
A: I thought so. You seem like a people person. 
B: Really? I can be shy sometimes.

2. German

2.1. What's your name?

der Name, die Namen – name,
der Vorname, die Vornamen – first name/given name
der Nachname, die Nachnamen – last name/surname
Wie ist dein Name? – What's your name? (informal)
Wie ist Ihr Name? – What is your name? (formal)
Mein Name ist Philipp. – My name is Philipp.
Wie heißen Sie? – What is your name? (formal)
Wie heißt du? – What's your name? (informal)
Ich heiße Franziska. – My name is Franziska.
Wie ist dein Nachname? – What's your last name? (informal)
Wie ist Ihr Nachname? – What is your last name? (formal)
Mein Nachname ist Neumann. – My last name is Neumann.
Wer sind Sie? – Who are you? (formal)
Wer bist du? – Who are you? (informal)
Ich bin Franziska. – I'm Franziska.

2.2. Where are you from?

Woher kommst du? – Where are you from? (informal)
Woher kommen Sie? – Where are you from? (formal)
Ich komme aus Russland. – I'm from Russia.
Wir kommen aus der Türkei. – We're from Turkey.
Ich komme aus der Nähe von Berlin. – I come from near Berlin.
das Land, die Länder – country
die Stadt, die Städte – city
Wo ist das? – Where is that?
Das ist eine Stadt in Deutschland. – It's a city in Germany.
Herzlich willkommen! – Welcome!
(das) Asien – Asia
nur Singular, selten mit Artikel
(das) Europa – Europe
nur Singular, selten mit Artikel
(das) Afrika – Africa
nur Singular, selten mit Artikel
(das) Nordamerika – North America
nur Singular, selten mit Artikel
(das) Südamerika – South America
nur Singular, selten mit Artikel
(das) Australien – Australia
nur Singular, selten mit Artikel

2.3. Where do you live?

Wo wohnst du? – Where do you live? (informal)
Wo wohnen Sie? – Where do you live? (formal)
Ich wohne in Berlin. – I live in Berlin.
Das liegt in Ostdeutschland. – That is in eastern Germany.
Wir wohnen in einem Dorf. – We live in a village.
Ich wohne auf dem Land. – I live in the country.
Wo ist das? – Where is that?
Das ist in Bayern. – It's in Bavaria.
das Bundesland, die Bundesländer – German state / German states
Wie ist die Adresse? – What's the address?
Die Adresse ist: … – The address is...
Ich wohne in der Bahnhofstraße. – I live on Bahnhofstraße.
Ich wohne bei Freunden. – I live with friends.

2.4. What language do you speak?

die deutsche Sprache – German language
nur Singular
die Grammatik, die Grammatiken – grammar
Plural selten
die Vokabel, die Vokabeln – vocabulary
der Deutschkurs, die Deutschkurse – German course
Ich möchte mich für einen Kurs anmelden. – I would like to sign up for a
Ich möchte Deutsch lernen. – I would like to learn German.
Ich spreche ein bisschen Deutsch. – I can speak some German.
Ich spreche kein Deutsch. – I don't speak German.
die Niveaustufe, die Niveaustufen – level
Ich lerne Deutsch. – I'm learning German.
der Lehrer, die Lehrer – teacher (male)
die Lehrerin, die Lehrerinnen – teacher (female)
die Prüfung, die Prüfungen – test
die Fremdsprache, die Fremdsprachen – foreign language
Ich spreche Englisch. – I speak English.
Ich spreche Arabisch. – I speak Arabic.

2.5. W-Questions

Wer bist du? – Who are you? (informal)
Wie geht es dir? – How are you? (informal)
alternativ: Wie geht's dir?
Was ist das? – What is this?
Wie viel kostet das? – How much does it cost?
Wo wohnst du? – Where do you live?
Warum lachst du? – Why are you laughing?
Wann öffnet der Supermarkt? – When does the supermarket open?
Wohin gehst du? – Where are you going? (informal)
Woher kommst du? – Where do you come from? (informal)
Wen suchst du? – Who are you looking for? (informal)
Für wen ist das? – For whom is this?
Von wem ist das Lied? – Who is this song by?
Wem gehört das? – Who owns this?